Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Acai Berries, The Answer For Weight Loss?

by Tanja Taas

One of the hot topics around weight loss has been the different super fruits and berries, one of the most talked about is acai berry. Celebrities are using it, there are different pills and powders around for anyone who wants to lose some weight. But is it really that effective as it is claimed? Or is it just about selling products?

These days overweight has really become a huge problem around the industrial world, as people aren't exercising enough and work doesn't require anything else than just sitting in front of a desk. This has long been noticed by different weight loss product sellers and now they have also noticed super fruits. Super fruits and berries are basically different fruits and berries that have been acknowledged to have health and weight loss benefits. There has been studies where slightly overweight women have eaten every day different berries and it resulted as a better liver values as before the eating. This also helped to lessen the risk of second type diabetes. So definitely the berries have benefits for your health.

In that study women were eating about 160gr. of Finnish berries everyday. Finnish berries like blue berries are very similar with acai berries. The main point here is that in those studies which have scientifically proven that acai and other berries are helpful to your weight loss plans, people have either eaten the real berries or drunk berry juice. Those powders and pills haven't really been tested anywhere, or at least there are very few reliable studies about them, so you can't really say that something that works as a berry would automatically work as a pill too. This is one thing to keep in mind when buying different acai products.

Are the acai berries then answer to your weight loss problems? Well, yes and no, there are studies that have proven that acai berries and other super fruits help your metabolism. This is a good thing when you think about losing weight, but it is certain no matter what the marketers say, you need to also take a good look what you are eating in addition to the berries. Your body will gather fat if you eat fatty foods, no matter what you are eating and the old truth will never go away, if you consume more than you intake, then you will lose weight.

Author of this article and sites such as Butt exercises and Get bigger butt and has over 15 years of experience in different sports, including 7 years of martial-arts and over 10 years of weightlifting.

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